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How customer values have changed in the New Normal

As a small bespoke consultancy we work across a number of industries in the B2B space and help them with creating a perfect customer ecosystem for their sector and customer types. One of the main trends that we have noticed in terms of customer requirements since CV-19 and the Lockdowns, are that customers appear to care more about the environment, sustainability and inclusiveness. There were always some customers who prioritised in these areas but not as many as now. Has the time to reflect whilst working from home or unemployed allowed people to ponder on what is really important? We suspect that it has. Meanwhile those who are employed, have influence in their organisations and are using it to ensure that when looking to partner with companies in their supply chain, these companies hold similar values.

Realising this growing importance we have advised our clients to include touchpoints about this during important stages of the customer journey. Showcase the work that you are doing in the community around inclusiveness not just by throwing money at it but by showing the rigour used to determine which projects to support and why. Speak of your sustainability credentials and if you are not quite there yet, show the plan to get there. This sharing of vulnerability gives customers an intangible link with an organisation which can sometimes appear faceless. Let us know your thoughts and whether you have found a similar shift in values in your organisation or in your audience.

A tree against a sunset background
Values to maintain beautiful sunsets like this

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